Dr Burroughs will fit the contraceptive implant under the skin of your arm. It takes a few minutes.
During the appointment she will:
- use a local anaesthetic injection so you will not feel pain
- make a small cut in the skin of your upper arm
- put the implant under your skin – it’s about the size of a matchstick and will not be visible once fitted
- seal the cut with a dressing, which you can remove once the cut has healed
The implant works for 3 years and then needs to be replaced with a new one.
Getting the contraceptive implant replaced
You should make an appointment to get the implant replaced 3 years after you have it fitted. You can do this by contacting us, a sexual health clinic, another GP surgery (if you've moved) or young people’s service.
If you get your implant replaced at the surgery Dr Burroughs can remove the implant and can put a new one in at the same appointment.
If there’s a chance you may be pregnant, Dr Burroughs will ask you to do a pregnancy test just before having the implant.
For more information about the implants in general, look at: Implant | Contraception Choices